Motherhood is: Wondering if I chose the right daycare

I walked out the door after dropping her off and immediately burst into tears.
Table of Contents
These are all the wild thoughts that went through my head:
“What if she cries and no one picks her up to soothe her?” “What if they pick her up and can’t soothe her?” “Will they remember that she needs her pacifier to fall asleep?” “What if she gets hand, foot mouth?” “Will she be sick all the time? Daycares are germ fests right?!” “Will she be happy and loved?” “Why am I letting strangers spend more time with my baby vs. me?” “Shouldn’t I stay home to take care of my baby for at least the first year?” “She’s so helpless–she can’t talk or tell them what she wants–she’s only 4 months!” I could go on forever. I was a mess. I remember finally finding a daycare my husband and I liked. I went back to give them a deposit and when I walked in, I saw a baby laying in her crib crying and no one paying attention to her. I ran out of there so fast, security deposit in hand and in tears telling my husband, “I can’t do this!”For your viewing pleasure, here is a copy of the doc:

I started a Nanny vs. Daycare pros and cons list (for those of you that know me, you know I do this for all important life decisions) which went a little something like this:
Pros of Nanny:- 1:1 interaction
- Sick less often!
- Less stress for mom
- Help with house + meals
- Cheaper if I ever have a second child
- Not overstimulated
- Another adult that loves Liv
- Help with grocery shopping
- Consistency for Liv
- Works with my schedule
- Not learning bad habits from other kids
- Better quality food/more control
- High turnover at daycare
- Interaction with other kids at daycare
- Social skills
- Safety in numbers
- Structured space and hours
- More cost efficient
Originally posted on The Returnity Project .