8 products to help ease the daylight saving transition and get your kids to sleep on schedule

Nick Fedirko/Shutterstock
Don't fear the change of the clock, embrace it mama.
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Daylight saving is coming for us once again, and as any seasoned parent knows, sleep schedules are about to get momentarily rocked. Whether springing ahead, or falling back, one tiny little hour can do a number on those mini internal clocks.
There’s a lot you can do to prepare your kids for Daylight Saving Time, but one thing that really helps is creating a routine so little ones know what to expect when bedtime rolls around. The routine can be anything that fits your family. Bath time? Yes, that helps children relax and also get a little bit more time for play, but let’s be honest. It’s not always an option. (If you’ve got a baby and a toddler, we salute you.) Story time? Absolutely. Even a quick book can get them in the mood for some sleep.
Then there are the sleep products that can pinch hit when circadian rhythms are thrown into a tailspin. Things like blackout curtains and white noise machines create an optimal environment for sleep every night of the year.
While you could be in the group of parents whose children are pro sleepers and don’t even realize the clock changed, but since not everyone is that lucky, we’ve done the research about what helps kids (and parents!) sleep better and longer for our own sanity.
If you’re hoping to make the transition just a little bit easier on everyone, we’ve rounded up some of the tried-and-true items that have helped our households weather the change a little more comfortably.