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From their first steps to their first words, we’ll help you celebrate your toddler’s developmental milestones with expert-backed guides and resources.
Plus, AAP recommended steps to reduce risk of childhood drowning.
I could handle motherhood—I could handle this.
Strangely, the longer I'm a mother, the less I seem to know, but I'm certain the last two years have taught me five valuable lessons that I'll keep with me long after my babies are grown.
You can use them to bring you closer to your toddler. ❤️
Do you agree or disagree, mama?
Reason 7: Because they don't know the rules.
Make it a family affair.
Researchers found even one book per day gives kids a boost of about 290,000 more words by age five.
You are all my firsts. And you may also be all my lasts. Whether Daddy and I can give you a little brother or sister is unknown to us. Giving you a sibling would be one of the greatest gifts, but nobody knows if we will be able to have more children.
Even if they're only helping in a tiny way, young children love feeling included.
As the final weeks go by and we near the arrival of our newest family member, I'm growing less anxious and more excited about how my toddler will react to being a big brother.
She was just starting to babble and say ‘Mama’ like, a couple of weeks ago, wasn’t it?