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Worried about your toddler’s health? Get the answers you need about everything from ear infections to eczema.
Avoid a toddler freakout at the dentist's office in five easy steps.
It's not available publicly yet, but it could be a game-changer.
Technology has the power to unlock learning for kids of all ages and stages.
Let's hope that more hospitals adopt this genius idea.
There is a state of emergency in Rockland County, but no nation-wide outbreak in America right now.
Because the tears don't come down just at school drop-off.
What parents need to know about protecting their family from ticks.
Starting to bolster kids' body image early, even in preschool, can make a big difference in how kids feel about themselves as they grow up.
Kids are human beings, messy and beautiful, wild and compassionate.
When kids aren’t encouraged to work through their emotions, they may just end up having more outbursts.
This empathy can be great, but also painful at times.
Certain gut bacterias appear to impact the behavior of toddlers, especially boys.
Communicate when there’s a change in routine—and leave enough time to process
New worries actually mean your child is growing more independent.