Toddler Nutrition - How to Encourage Healthy Eating - Motherly


Help your toddler explore new foods and flavors with Motherly’s toddler nutrition resources, featuring tips and advice from real mamas.

3 ways to raise your toddler to be a ‘can-do’ kiddo

#2. Practice optimism and safe risk-taking. Wheeee!

Updated Jan. 13, 2023

What’s in your Toddler’s Backpack?

3 cool kids show off their daily necessities.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021
toddler holding a stuffed animal

A toddler’s guide to bedtime stalling—in 30 steps

STEP 20: If you see your parent backing away slowly out the door, you have one option only. “Waaaaaaaaater!!!!!!”

Updated Feb. 15, 2022

Toddlers aren’t ‘naughty’—they’re tiny scientists!

When your tot pushes your buttons, imagine her in a tiny white lab coat taking notes on her experiment—on you.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021

What a Beach Day with Toddlers is Really Like

It's not quite fun in the sun.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021

So your tot is stubborn, outspoken, and assertive? Aren’t you lucky!

The wild child traits that frustrate you now may be the very ones you come to love as your child matures.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021

11 tips to survive a road trip with a toddler

11 essentials to let the good times roll on your family's next long-distance voyage.

Updated Jan. 13, 2023

5 ways to banish boredom for your toddler—and yourself, mama

Not all toddler boredom busters are created equal

Updated Oct. 12, 2021

3 easy steps to help you to handle the next toddler challenge

1. Acknowledge. 2. Connect. 3. Teach. You got this, mama.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021

5 DIY activities to discover the world with your curious tot

Super easy activities to promote cognitive development. We could call them “lazy,” but we prefer “energy efficient.”

Updated Mar. 23, 2023
little boy pushing a toddler grocery cart

Toddler eats: 5 ways to overcome a picky eating phase

3. Keep mealtimes interesting. On Wednesdays, we eat pink... salmon, strawberries, and watermelon, that is! 

Updated Jan. 11, 2022
toddler enjoying summer outside

Summer means change. Make the transition easy for your toddler.

4 ways to make the transition to summer smooth for your toddler (and you!)

Updated Jan. 04, 2022
Curious Adventures of a globetrotters tots

The curious adventures of a globe-trotting tot

The next time you get the itch for an adventure with your toddler, ignore the naysayers and pack your bags, mama!

Updated Jan. 14, 2022

The ‘sensational’ tot: Recognizing—and dealing with—Sensory Processing Disorder

Worried something might be amiss with your child’s developing senses? Learn the ins-and-outs of SPD.

Updated Jan. 13, 2023

How to Get Your Toddler to Talk

3 ways to help speed up and improve your little one’s language skills.

Updated Oct. 12, 2021

6 ways to keep your cool when your tot is all fired up

#1. Find your mellow mama mantra.

Updated Jan. 13, 2023

Journaling with Toddlers

One mama turns her own favorite habit into a family affair.

Updated Oct. 11, 2021

4 ways to encourage independent play for baby’s benefit—and yours

You have enough to do without being your tot’s source of entertainment 24/7. It’s time to let baby take the lead.

Updated Feb. 01, 2023

3 expert tips for improving your tot’s speech clarity

One speech-language pathologist weighs in on how to better understand your perplexing tot.

Updated Mar. 23, 2023