Home / Glossary Periodontitis By Motherly Editors April 3, 2024 Rectangle Inside this article DefinitionKey TakeawaysImportanceExplanationExamples of PeriodontitisFAQs on Periodontitis and MotherhoodWhat is periodontitis?Can pregnant women get periodontitis?Does periodontitis affect the baby during pregnancy?How can I prevent periodontitis during pregnancy?Can periodontitis be treated during pregnancy?Related Motherhood TermsSources for More Information Table of Contents Toggle DefinitionKey TakeawaysImportanceExplanationExamples of PeriodontitisFAQs on Periodontitis and MotherhoodWhat is periodontitis?Can pregnant women get periodontitis?Does periodontitis affect the baby during pregnancy?How can I prevent periodontitis during pregnancy?Can periodontitis be treated during pregnancy?Related Motherhood TermsSources for More Information Definition Periodontitis is a serious oral health condition, not specifically a motherhood term, involving inflammation and infection of the gums. It typically results from untreated gingivitis, causing gums to pull away from the teeth, forming pockets that may fill with pus and can lead to tooth loss. It’s crucial to treat periodontitis promptly to prevent further oral and overall health complications. Key Takeaways Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth. But, it’s not exclusive to mothers or related specifically to motherhood. Pregnant women are sometimes more susceptible to periodontitis due to hormonal changes that increase the gums’ sensitivity, making them more vulnerable to the effect of plaque bacteria. Proper oral hygiene before, during, and after pregnancy can help prevent the occurrence of periodontitis. Regular dental check-ups are strongly recommended for early detection and treatment. Importance Periodontitis is an important term in motherhood because it refers to a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth. Expectant mothers need to be particularly cautious about periodontitis because hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect the response of the body to the toxins produced by oral bacteria, thereby making the mother more susceptible to gum disease. It can lead to major dental health issues such as tooth loss. Furthermore, multiple research studies suggest a potential link between periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as pre-term birth and low birth weight. Hence, maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups during pregnancy are crucial for both maternal and child health. Explanation Periodontitis is not a term related to motherhood, but it’s a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and, without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth. It’s often used in the field of dentistry and oral health. This condition can lead to loosening or loss of teeth if left untreated. It’s primarily used to identify, diagnose, and deal with a severe gum disease that can have significant effects on a person’s dental health. The primary purpose of identifying Periodontitis is to prevent further dental damage and facilitate necessary treatment to restore oral health. Understanding Periodontitis is crucial for maintaining dental hygiene, as it is usually a result of poor oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day, using dental floss regularly and having regular dental checkups can greatly reduce your chance of developing Periodontitis. Its identification also serves to guide the dentist in formulating a suitable treatment plan which typically involves plaque removal, medication, and in severe cases, surgery. The progression of this disease can lead to other health problems such as heart disease and stroke, making it even more paramount to diagnose and treat. Examples of Periodontitis Jane, a 35-year-old mother of two young children, has been experiencing signs of gum inflammation, including redness, swelling, and occasional bleeding when brushing or flossing. After a dental check-up, she was diagnosed with periodontitis. This chronic inflammatory condition that damages the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth developed due to her lack of time for personal care and compromised oral hygiene since becoming a mother. Maria, a pregnant mother, didn’t have significant dental issues before her pregnancy. However, the hormonal changes during her pregnancy have affected her oral health. Experiencing gum tenderness and swelling, she visited her dentist and found out that she had pregnancy-associated periodontitis. Her dentist emphasized the importance of dental care during pregnancy to prevent further health ramifications to herself and her unborn child. Sarah, a full-time working mother with three kids, started losing her teeth unexpectedly, despite not being at an age where tooth loss is typical. Upon visiting her dentist, she found out she’d developed periodontitis mainly due to having little to no time for regular dental check-ups or consistent oral hygiene. The stress and exhaustion of balancing work and motherhood led to neglecting her oral health, exacerbating the situation. FAQs on Periodontitis and Motherhood What is periodontitis? Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone that supports the tooth. It can lead to tooth loss or worse, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke and other serious health problems. Can pregnant women get periodontitis? Yes, pregnant women can get periodontitis. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your gums more vulnerable to plaque, leading to inflammation and bleeding. This is also known as “pregnancy gingivitis”. Does periodontitis affect the baby during pregnancy? Studies have suggested a link between periodontitis and premature birth. Women with periodontitis are reportedly more likely to give birth to a baby prematurely or a baby with a low birth weight. How can I prevent periodontitis during pregnancy? Maintaining good oral hygiene is key. Regularly and effectively brushing your teeth, using dental floss, and keeping up with dental check-ups can significantly reduce your risk of getting periodontitis during pregnancy. Can periodontitis be treated during pregnancy? Yes, treatment for periodontitis during pregnancy can range from scaling and root planning, to more severe cases that require surgery. It’s essential to maintain oral hygiene and continue dental visits during pregnancy. Related Motherhood Terms Gum Inflammation Dental Plaque Tartar Gum Bleeding Tooth Loss Sources for More Information American Dental Association (ADA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Mouth Healthy by the American Dental Association World Health Organization (WHO) Inside this article DefinitionKey TakeawaysImportanceExplanationExamples of PeriodontitisFAQs on Periodontitis and MotherhoodWhat is periodontitis?Can pregnant women get periodontitis?Does periodontitis affect the baby during pregnancy?How can I prevent periodontitis during pregnancy?Can periodontitis be treated during pregnancy?Related Motherhood TermsSources for More Information More terms Parent-Teacher Associations (Ptas) February 26, 2024 Paralysis April 2, 2024 Morning sickness April 2, 2024 Time Management For Parents February 26, 2024 Kick Counts February 26, 2024