
Fetal scalp stimulation is a test conducted during labor to assess the baby’s condition, particularly its heart rate. It is a procedure where the baby’s scalp is gently touched through the vagina during contractions. A healthy or normal response is considered if the baby’s heart rate increases or accelerates after this stimulation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fetal scalp stimulation is a procedure carried out during labor to evaluate the well-being of a baby. It’s conducted manually or using an instrument to stroke or lightly apply pressure on the baby’s scalp.
  2. It is used to assess fetal response and the presence of a reactive heart rate accelerations indicates a healthy, non-acidemic fetus. Thus, it can effectively eliminate fetal distress and is a form of an ‘intrauterine’ stress test.
  3. The procedure is safe but should be carried out by a trained professional as excessive or improper stimulation may pose an unnecessary risk to the fetus or may not provide an accurate indicator of fetal well-being.


Fetal scalp stimulation is an important term in motherhood and obstetrics because it serves as a non-invasive procedure to assess the well-being of a baby during labor and delivery.

This procedure is conducted when a fetus exhibits signs of potential distress, often identified through abnormal heart rate patterns.

When fetal scalp stimulation is performed, a healthy baby will respond with an increase in heart rate, providing reassurance of adequate oxygenation.

However, if the baby does not respond positively, it indicates possible fetal hypoxia or a lack of sufficient oxygen, which could necessitate immediate intervention, such as a cesarean section, to ensure the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby.


Fetal scalp stimulation is primarily used for assessing fetal wellbeing in the situations where the heart rate of the fetus shows non-reassuring features implying possible fetal distress. The basic purpose of employing this technique during labor is to test fetal response.

It works on the hormonal response in the fetus when they are not stressed—the stimulation usually prompts a brief increase in the fetal heart rate. If an increase is detected, it is a strong indicator for lack of fetal acidosis and hence fetal wellbeing.

Fetal scalp stimulation is often used in conjunction with electronic fetal monitoring. When signs of potential fetal distress are identified through these monitoring systems, a healthcare professional may use scalp stimulation as a non-invasive way to get more information about the fetus’s condition.

A positive response to the stimulation generally implies that immediate delivery for fetal stress is not necessary, helping healthcare providers make informed decisions about whether or not interventions like C-sections are required.

Examples of Fetal scalp stimulation

Fetal scalp stimulation is a test performed during labor to check a baby’s condition. This test is especially useful when monitoring indicates that the baby may be experiencing distress. Here are three real world examples:

HOSPITAL BIRTH: A woman goes into labor at her local hospital. The baby’s heart rate is showing signs of distress on the monitor. The doctor performs a fetal scalp stimulation test by rubbing the baby’s head through the cervical opening. The heart rate should accelerate if the baby is not being deprived of oxygen.

HOME BIRTH: During a home birth, a midwife may use a tool to gently press on the baby’s head to perform the fetal scalp stimulation test. If the heart rhythm increases, it can help provide reassurance that the baby is handling labor well.

HIGH-RISK PREGNANCY: A mother-to-be is having a high-risk pregnancy with a history of a previous baby suffering from oxygen deprivation during birth. Her obstetrician uses fetal scalp stimulation while monitoring the baby’s heart rate to ensure the same issue isn’t repeating. This could potentially lead to an immediate C-section if the heart rate doesn’t accelerate after stimulation.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fetal Scalp Stimulation

What is fetal scalp stimulation?

Fetal scalp stimulation is a test performed during labor to check the well-being of the fetus. It’s usually conducted by a healthcare provider who presses the mother’s abdomen to touch the baby’s head gently. The baby’s response is checked by observing their heart rate.

Why is fetal scalp stimulation performed?

Fetal scalp stimulation is primarily performed to check the health status of the baby during labor. It helps assess whether the baby is getting enough oxygen, and if the baby’s heart rate responds normally to stimulation, indicating that the baby is not in distress.

Is fetal scalp stimulation safe?

Yes, when done correctly by a healthcare provider, fetal scalp stimulation is considered safe. However, it’s not recommended if there are certain complications like an infection, high-risk pregnancy, or if the mother has a specific medical condition.

How is fetal scalp stimulation linked to fetal heart rate monitoring?

Fetal scalp stimulation is often used in conjunction with monitoring the baby’s heart rate during labor. A normal reaction to scalp stimulation is an increase in the baby’s heart rate. Absence of this response may suggest that the baby is not getting enough oxygen.

What does it mean if there is no change in heart rate after fetal scalp stimulation?

If no change is observed in the baby’s heart rate post scalp stimulation, it may indicate fetal distress. Lack of response might suggest that the baby is not receiving enough oxygen. However, a single test isn’t definitive, and other tests may be conducted for proper diagnosis.

Related Motherhood Terms

  • Obstetrics
  • Maternal-fetal medicine
  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
  • Non-stress test (NST)
  • Biophysical profile (BPP)

Sources for More Information

  • National Center for Biotechnology Information: This source provides an extensive collection of medical literature, including information on fetal scalp stimulation.
  • WebMD: Offers valuable health information, tools for managing health, and support for those who seek information about fetal scalp stimulation.
  • Mayo Clinic: Trusted source for quick, reliable health research about fetal scalp stimulation and other maternal health topics.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: This professional organization offers numerous resources on maternal health, including fetal scalp stimulation.