
Breech position or breech presentation refers to a situation where the fetus is positioned bottom-down in the uterus towards the end of pregnancy, as opposed to the typical head-down position. This can complicate vaginal delivery as the baby’s feet or buttocks are set to come out first. Corrective measures may be needed or a cesarean section might be recommended.

Key Takeaways

  1. Breech position/presentation refers to a condition where the baby is positioned bottom-first, instead of head-first, in the womb during the later stages of pregnancy. This can complicate the delivery process.
  2. Types of Breech presentations include Frank (baby’s buttocks come first), Complete (baby is sitting cross-legged), and Footling (one or both of the baby’s feet come first).
  3. While a breech birth can be handled naturally, it often requires medical intervention such as a process called External Cephalic Version (ECV), or a Caesarean section (C-section) to ensure the safety of both the baby and mother.


The term “Breech position/presentation” is important in motherhood and childbirth because it refers to a situation where a baby is positioned feet-first or bottom-first in the womb, rather than the normal and ideal head-first position.

It’s significant because breech presentation can complicate the process of childbirth, potentially leading to difficulties during labor and delivery, which can pose risks to both the mother and baby.

It may necessitate alternative delivery methods, such as a cesarean section, to ensure the safety of both the mother and child.

Thus, understanding and identifying a breech position early in the pregnancy is crucial for planning safe delivery.


Breech position or presentation is a term used mainly in the context of childbirth to describe the position of the baby in the uterus. It has specific importance as it determines the course of delivery and influences the safety of both the mother and the baby.

The use of the term helps healthcare professionals to prepare and plan for birth, with a focus on minimizing the risk of complications. In a breech presentation, the baby is positioned so that the buttocks or feet would emerge first during birth, as opposed to the normal head-first presentation.

Understanding if a baby is in the breech position is crucial, as it helps medical professionals decide the best mode of delivery. While a vaginal birth is possible with a breech baby, there can be risks involved due to the fact that the largest part of the baby, the head, is delivered last.

Therefore, if a baby is known to be in the breech position, doctors may recommend a cesarean section (C-section) to ensure a safer delivery. By identifying the breech presentation in time, healthcare providers can make informed decisions to reinforce the safety and wellbeing of both the mother and newborn.

Examples of Breech position/presentation

Example 1: A woman 36 weeks into her pregnancy goes for her routine prenatal check-up. The ultrasound reveals that the baby is currently in a breech position, meaning his feet or buttocks are positioned to come out first during delivery, instead of the head.

Example 2: A heavily pregnant woman rushed to the hospital feeling sharp labor pains. The medical staff conducted an examination and found the baby in a breech position. The doctors decided to perform a cesarean section (c-section) as the safest option for both mother and child.

Example 3: A midwife is assisting with a home birth. As the woman goes into labor, the midwife realizes that the baby is in a frank breech presentation where the baby’s buttocks are aimed at the birth canal and his legs are sticking straight up in front of his body and his feet are near his head. The midwife, having experience with this situation, assists with the birth ensuring the safety of the mother and the child.

FAQs about Breech Position/Presentation

What is Breech Position/Presentation?

Breech position refers to a situation where the baby is positioned feet-first or bottom-first in the womb instead of the normal head-first position approaching the time of delivery.

What are the types of Breech Position?

There are three main types: Frank breech (the baby’s bottom comes first, and his legs are flexed at the hip and extended at the knees (with his feet near his ears)), Complete breech (the baby’s hips and knees are flexed so that the baby is sitting cross-legged above the cervix) and Footling breech (one or both feet come first, with the bottom at a higher position).

What causes Breech Position/Presentation?

The causes of breech presentation are not fully understood, but may include abnormalities of the baby, uterus, or placenta, sort multiple pregnancies, high amounts of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) or low amounts of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios), premature delivery, etc.

Is it possible for a baby to turn from a Breech Position?

Many breech babies spontaneously turn around before or during labor. There are also certain techniques that healthcare providers or pregnant women can attempt to turn the baby to a head-first position.

What are the complications of Breech Position/Presentation?

Possible complications include cord prolapse, where the umbilical cord drops (prolapses) through the open cervix into the vagina ahead of the baby, and birth injuries, mostly due to difficulties with delivery.

Related Motherhood Terms

  • Obstetrics
  • Cesarean Section
  • External Cephalic Version (ECV)
  • Fetal Distress
  • Birth Complications

Sources for More Information

  • Mayo Clinic: A worldwide respected platform for health information offering a comprehensive introduction to breech position/presentation.
  • WebMD: A trusted site for health-related information providing detailed articles about health topics, including breech position/presentation.
  • Healthline: Provides medical information and health advice about breech position/presentation. Trusted and resilient.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: A professional association committed to improving women’s health. Provides reliable and professional advice on breech position/presentation.

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