#yearofthemother - Motherly



Justin Trudeau is running a country from home without childcare

A world leader is juggling conference calls and a 6-year-old's bath time.

March 24, 2020


Millions of kids are at risk of being missed in the 2020 census

This is super important during the #yearofthemother and something all parents should be aware of. An accurate census count of kids is critical for making sure communities and families have the resources they need.

March 11, 2020


Mike Bloomberg answers our questions on paid leave, childcare + maternal burnout

We asked the candidates for answers and Klobuchar's campaign was among those to respond.

March 2, 2020


Sen. Bernie Sanders answers our questions on paid leave, childcare + maternal burnout

We asked the candidates for answers and the Sanders campaign was among those to respond.

March 2, 2020


Sen. Elizabeth Warren answers our questions on paid leave, childcare + maternal burnout

We asked the candidates for answers and Warren's campaign was among those to respond.

March 2, 2020


Where presidential candidates stand on paid family leave, childcare and health care

To prep for Super Tuesday, let's dive into where the candidates stand on issues that are key to mothers and parents. 👇

March 2, 2020


Why #yearofthemother is good for dads, too

The demands being made in the #yearofthemother posts aren't just demands for society to support mothers, but to support families through policies that will target gender inequality and help all parents thrive.

February 11, 2020


This TEDx talk explains what would happen if we nurtured mothers

"Somewhere along the way we stop taking care of mothers. As you'll see, the consequences are pretty dire. But that also means that when we fix it, the impact will be profound," Spalding says.

February 4, 2020


The Iowa caucus is not set up to include mothers—and that’s a problem

When Cedar Rapids Gazette columnist Lyz Lenz asked "How do you caucus with a baby?" she sparked a national conversation

February 3, 2020

Parental Leave

Parental leave alone won’t fix the income gender gap—but here’s what does

Changing the way we think about roles in workplaces + homes could help—at least when it comes to the next generation.

January 20, 2020