Second Year, Week 10 - Motherly

Second Year, Week 10


5 reasons I’m happy to (still!) breastfeed my toddler

Everyone's going to have an opinion, but in the end the best thing we can do is simply do what's best for our little ones.

September 8, 2021


Go rest and do nothing, mama—your children will thank you

Personally, I'm a big believer that this, simply knowing how to rest, is one of the greatest lessons I can exemplify for my intense little people.

April 10, 2019


Right where you are ‍♀️—14-month-old

Coffee. Yoga pants. World domination. When you have a child, you've got the whole world in your hands. The future? Well it lives in your house. But there's a long and windy road from teaching your child how to put on her own pants—to launching an independent young adult out into the world. So rest up for the journey, mama. It's going to be a beautiful ride. XO, TeamMotherly P.S. Our favorite yoga pants. Ever. Baby this week: Climbing suddenly becomes very appealing. Try this: Put those new moves to good use at a mommy + me class (we love My Gym), and be sure to babyproof your own house.

February 8, 2017