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Many parents are outraged that this information wouldn't be kept confidential.
The short answer is: early, often, accurately and with kindness.
We’re sailing in uncharted waters, and much of the time, these hormone-ridden waters feel anything but serene.
The key is to make the shift from your instinctive desire to protect or rescue your teenager, to the long term goal of their personal development.
I’m sure that some day she will grow out of it, but I hope it isn’t soon.
Doctors weigh in on this sensitive topic.
Empowering your child to cook for themselves is an all-around win.
“I’ll be in trouble for saying that, but I really don’t care."
“It’s important to remember that even when life is tough that things get better."
If you’re raising a tween, give yourself and your child a little grace.
What I’ve realized about the teen years is that, like all stages of parenting (and life, for that matter), they are a Both/And experience.
Practicing gratitude regularly can change the brain's structure to boost happiness.