stay at home parent - Motherly

stay at home parent


My husband is the stay at home parent, and it’s the best thing for our family

My kids are growing up unaware of the societal expecations of genders, to them we are just mom and dad.

January 25, 2021


I don’t know who I am beyond being a SAHM

Now that they are grown and barely needing me, I find myself wondering, What do I do next?

December 15, 2020


To the woman forced to become a SAHM because of the pandemic—I see you

I, too, am grieving a loss of self that I clawed and bled and fought to earn as a working mother in this society—an identity that seemingly disappeared overnight, largely without my consent.

December 8, 2020


Confession: I never thought I’d be a SAHM, but it’s the right fit

Unlike many women I know, my progression to becoming a stay-at-home mom was neither planned nor expected.

March 1, 2018