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Why are some of us so afraid to be stay-at-home moms?
Nap time = work time.
My education and career shaped who I am today.
It's time we stop grading mothers on the cleanliness of their home and start valuing them for their selfless investment in others.
1. It is loud around me ALL THE TIME.
Wondering how to keep your career alive even if you choose to become a stay at home mom?
I dragged myself out once a week to the new moms group I’d signed up for, and that seemed like enough.
2. Maintain relationships + attend professional events in your industry.
1. That we’re lazy.
Laundry. We are literally always doing laundry.
I stopped doing a job I really didn’t love for one that brings me profound meaning: motherhood.
Dividing our gender roles can seem like a thing of the past.
There are so many myths and judgments out there about moms and dads who stay at home.
The reality of staying home all day with a young child is that it can be quite isolating.
She is the reason I went to work, and the reason I didn’t want to.
Here's why.
Smart advice on how to make a smooth transition into your newest job.
I may not always be a SAHM, but for now, these moments are treasure stored up in my heart.