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We are so grateful for their honesty.
Becoming a mother stripped me bare. My body took a beating from growing a human. It took another beating bringing that beautiful human into the world.
Exhausted, overwhelmed, and in the grips of a panic attack, Trainor describes the moment, saying, 'I was having a panic attack..."
“Don’t focus on that! You look beautiful.”
The clock doesn’t tick the same way it used to. It’s no longer measured in hours or days, but in milestones and moments.
At a time when families need more support than ever, American society leaves them particularly vulnerable.
Diagnosing PPD has traditionally relied on moms recognizing and reporting their symptoms—a tall order when they’re battling exhaustion and the endless demands of new motherhood.
A new study has revealed that the rate of postpartum depression has doubled over the past decade, jumping from 9% in 2010 to 19% in 2021.
The door clicked shut, and suddenly, I was alone. Just me and you. It wasn't supposed to feel this quiet. Or this overwhelming.
Because we know you want to know, here are all the wild, weird and wonderful things happening inside your body right now.
I wish someone had warned me about postpartum shaking.
I was a wife, a sister, a daughter, a veterinarian, a new mother—and I was dying.
I did not like who I saw when I was a new mom. I didn’t know this woman yet. I didn’t accept her.
"Capturing my motherhood journey through photos allows me to honor and fall in love with my changes. It allows me to lend grace to this new territory that I am trying to gracefully navigate."
Three experts share why postpartum pelvic floor exercises are so important.
Talk about the options with your doctor before delivery.
“I fell into postpartum depression after giving birth because I hadn't seen anyone with a similar body.”
This culture does not make it easy to be a woman, let alone a postpartum one. For godssake, let us have postpartum, too.
For a long time the first photo the public would see of…
We'll take all the help we can get with that first postpartum poop.