parenting styles - Page 10 of 18 - Motherly

parenting styles


35 positive phrases parents can say to their headstrong child

5. "It's okay to be angry, but I won't let you hit. We need to keep everyone safe."

September 18, 2019


Yes, decorating for Christmas early *does* make people happy

Christmas decorations evoke positive feelings, says one expert.

Updated November 7, 2024

Mental Health

Moms aren’t naturally better at multitasking—they just have no choice

By painting women as great multitaskers who are naturally wired to "do it all," society let itself off the hook when it comes to supporting moms. And that's not okay.

September 3, 2019

Motherly Stories

I’m so ready for school to start

I know I'm lucky to be at home with my kids right now and please, believe me, I am grateful, but dang, can a girl get some personal space?

Updated July 8, 2022

Motherly Stories

No, we’re not finding out our baby’s sex

Did you keep it a surprise, mama?

Updated October 25, 2022


To all the mamas going through a rough patch, I see you

There have been moments when it was so hard that I've wanted to run away. I know I'm not alone. I'm sure every parent has been there.

June 11, 2019

Health & Wellness

I took CBD and it made me a more present, less anxious mom

In some ways, I'm an unlikely person to be jumping on the CBD bandwagon. I don't even drink alcohol anymore. But (like a lot of moms) I do deal with anxiety and have a lot of difficulty falling and staying asleep.

Updated July 5, 2022

Children's Health

My child isn’t giving me a hard time—he’s *having* a hard time

Once I could see his struggles from a lens of empathy, I was able to respond in love.

April 19, 2019


Why equal parenting is still a myth

We were born into a society in which gendered expectations have been rooted in our way of thinking, living and doing.

Updated August 7, 2024


My kids and I stopped sticking to a regular schedule—and it has made such a huge difference

I dropped the "shoulds" and started doing what worked best for us.

Updated August 17, 2022

Work & Motherhood

Working makes me a better mother—and motherhood makes me a better worker

Some of us are invigorated by the day-to-day of motherhood. And some of us need something outside of motherhood to keep that cup full enough to be able to pour out all that our family needs to thrive.

February 1, 2019


To the mom who believes in peaceful parenting—but struggles to actually do it

My emotional baggage impacted the way I interacted with my children, especially when I was tired, stressed or triggered.

Updated June 29, 2022


How peaceful parenting saved our parenthood

Things are different now. Not perfect—not even remotely close. And not even always good. Sometimes we still have bad moments. And by moments I mean days. And by days I mean weeks. But still, mostly better.

November 9, 2018