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Your child's struggles at school are not a reflection of your parenting.
5. Provide fewer toys, each with a clear place
Motherhood is all about conquering whatever mountains or obstacles are in the way of you—even if it happens to be a mountain of diapers. 😉
The key is finding a book or series that's engaging, well-matched to your kid's literacy skills, and on target with their emotional development.
You'll never forget the first time your child initiates a game with you.
Students who were usually on task and high-performing were nodding off and "forgetting" to do their homework.
6. Use the word 'yet' and use it often.
Sharing requires an understanding of ours and another's feelings and desires. Sharing is about being creative with another as you use something together, it is about being compassionate and giving, it is about being respectful.
And how to help them get there.
There's a new one called Downtime you might want to check out.
5. Give them control
There's no one, right answer, and there are no perfect preschools., but there are many great preschools out there that can be "just right" for your child.
A recent study gives us some scientific insight.
It takes hard work and involvement to ensure today's students progress as individuals.
When kids impersonate cool characters, they may take on the admirable qualities during ordinary tasks.
Let him know in his very bones that at the end of each day, good or bad, he is known and loved and rooted for and championed.
As a mom in this stage of life, it's easy to feel like our kids don't really need us anymore.
By setting clear expectations, but then stepping back to let the children practice, we encourage them to develop self-discipline rather than to just obey orders.
Here's how to help your baby, mama.
3. Split it up.