Montessori - Page 3 of 20 - Motherly


Child Learn & Play

8 parenting strategies Montessori teachers use with their own kids

It is a way of approaching children differently and is something you can totally practice at home, regardless of the type of school your child attends.

August 2, 2021


9 phrases Montessori teachers use to build resilient kids

While we can't possibly protect our children from all of the hardships and challenges life brings, we can help them cope with these difficulties.

July 22, 2021


The one thing to always say when disciplining your child

When we discipline our children we want to empower them to change their behavior.

July 15, 2021


It’s Science: The more you hug your baby, the more her brain benefits

A survey of 125 full-term and premature newborns at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, found early, gentle displays of affection from parents and caregivers have lasting effects on how baby brains react to gentle touch.

July 12, 2021

Toddler Learn & Play

10 amazing Montessori-inspired activities for quiet time

If your toddler has stopped napping, you're probably looking for some peace and quiet. We've got you covered.

July 9, 2021

Our Partners

A new parent’s ultimate guide to social media

Is it safe to post pictures of baby? What's okay to share and what's TMI?

June 30, 2021


How to keep up a Montessori routine while traveling

Ready to take a vacation but not to break your baby's Montessori routine? Read these tips from a Montessori expert.

June 30, 2021

Toddler Shopping Guides

The best learning towers for independent toddlers

The more they can reach, the more they can help.

Updated August 7, 2024


13 powerful habits that help you raise well-adjusted kids

You have a beautiful window of opportunity to build the foundation your child desperately needs but also craves

June 25, 2021


Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike on Raising Montessori Babies

Montessori educators and authors, Simone Davies and Junnifa Uzodike, discuss their latest…

June 17, 2021

Health & Wellness

You can’t be a perfect mother. So be a ‘good enough’ mother.

Children are resilient and their emotional responses in the moment are not a measure of how good you are as a mother.

June 17, 2021


Why unstructured play is critical for brain development

Critical and oh-so-fun—here are 5 reasons to let kids loose and watch them learn.

Updated August 2, 2022

What To Read

6 must-read books for doing Montessori at home

If you're Montessori-curious, these books are for you.

Updated October 3, 2023

Children's Health

Kids’ energy levels surpass endurance athletes’, says science

Science explains why your 3-year-old has endless energy.

June 4, 2021


How to turn your nursery into a Montessori-inspired toddler bedroom

Your toddler craves independence—and a Montessori toddler room can help.

May 28, 2021


6 tips to get kids excited about gardening, the Montessori way

Gardening is a great outdoor activity for kids—here's how to make the most of it, according to a Montessori expert.

May 18, 2021

Toddler Shopping Guides

12 Montessori-inspired outdoor toys to encourage open-ended play outside

Educational and open-ended toys for outdoor summer learning and fun.

Updated August 14, 2023

Toddler Learn & Play

8 great Montessori climbing toys for your little mountaineer

Climbing is one of the most fun exercises for kids–and they can do it safely at home!

Updated August 1, 2023