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Some days will be full of wonder. Some days will be hard. Let the good days fuel your passion for learning but don't let the tough ones take the fun out of it.
Playlistening and staylistening can make all of the difference.
You'd think I wouldn't need to blink an eye about today, but you're wrong.
Motherhood changes our brains and writer Chelsea Conaboy wants us to know that.
Sometimes kid need a refuge and some positivity.
Mamas, I know it's hard. It won't be easy. Tears will likely roll down your cheeks on that first day of school. Please just know that it gets easierâbut only if you let it.
3. Don't immediately answer the question.
Working in the kitchen is great for developing fine motor skills, independence, and concentrationâplus, great bonding time.
While manners are important and apologies are necessary, saying sorry often doesn't teach compassion.
The key is listening to their feelings.
It seems that part of the key to the Finnish school system's success is the nurturing daycare and preschool system.
Without realizing it, my body image complaints had begun to impact my children.
Be in that moment with them. Sit with them in that pain, without simply trying to get out of it.
The Montessori way can help your kids feel a sense of normalcy in a new environment.
These small changes can make a huge impact.
Board books not included.
Try these activities as an alternative to handing over the iPad to make the long car ride a meaningful part of your vacation.
And as his kindergarten teacher, you helped him (and me) make this mammoth transition.
Starting to bolster kids' body image early, even in preschool, can make a big difference in how kids feel about themselves as they grow up.
Her baby camera was hackedâbut you can prevent that from happening to you.