moments - Motherly



From midnight feeds to first smiles: How time transforms in the fourth trimester

The clock doesn’t tick the same way it used to. It’s no longer measured in hours or days, but in milestones and moments.

December 31, 2024


I *should* be emptying the dishwasher, but I’m busy holding my baby

I’m sitting here knowing this time goes by way too fast. This is probably the last newborn I’ll cuddle with like this

January 25, 2018


When you say, ‘Enjoy it, they grow up so fast’

I know how fast it goes. It’s happening before my eyes.

January 11, 2018


My darling baby, when did you grow up?

You became a child in the moments I wasn’t looking, and I have loved every minute of your second year on earth. 

October 27, 2017


When to drop everything + listen to your kids

Let’s get better at recognizing essential moments—those times when your child’s need for love trumps your own agenda.

October 2, 2017


A letter to my children—as they grow older…

I have been raised by raising you and I am so grateful.

September 5, 2017