Home / mom life
I find myself wishing I could go back in time, to myself when I first became a mom. I'd try my best to tell her, motherhood is a series of rooms.
Allyson Felix is the most decorated American woman in Olympic track and field history
Sometimes, you just have to laugh at the comedy that is being a parent.
You know what you're doing, you really do.
Listen, mom-guilt is a dirty liar. Yes, it's your job to fill your little human's needs, but you matter too. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Hang out with friends, take a drive blaring 90's hip hop or shower without interruptions—trust me, you'll be a better person (and mom) because of it.
I commonly ask myself this when the control freak inside me began to get agitated.
Praise for a job well done, whatever that job is.
5. Make some mom friends.
You didn't know how much the living room clock would be your closest companion, watching it always and praying for it to be the right time: the time when you can finally feed your baby again, because you don't know how else to stop her from crying.
If you had asked me what I expected motherhood to be like…
How to make the most of motherhood, even on the worst days.
I heard a lot about how hard it is, but not as much about how wonderful it could be.
Beautiful, of course, but definitely hard.
I've gotten a lot done in my Chevy.
I assumed that once I was a stay-at-home mom, I would become a laid back, relaxed lady of leisure, but I was so wrong.
So much of my first year of motherhood is a blur. I…
I started feeling stressed out every time he cried, which was often.
I want to make the time to not only do things for myself (self-care and all), but I want to make others feel special, too.
Their wildly contrasting personalities couldn't have been clearer right from birth—and yet, as the months chased each other by I didn't get it.
This stage of motherhood is overwhelming and chaotic and wild. It takes every ounce of you and then more. Even when you feel you have no more to give.