mom identity - Motherly

mom identity


I don’t know who needs to hear this today but—you are enough

It is easy (entirely too easy) to look at ourselves as the lesser version of our reality. We can be our biggest critics and shamers. Our own worst enemies.

September 29, 2020


I’m not a perfect mom—and that’s exactly how I want it to be

Ironically, striving to be the perfect mom made me a worse mom.

November 12, 2019


I don’t mourn the woman I was before I became a mother

I was very fortunate to grow up alongside my child, lucky to have him anchor me to make choices that were better than the ones I was making for myself alone.

November 4, 2019


My children are in school, so it’s time to figure out who I am

I began to struggle with my own identity in the face of my children's developing independence and expanding worldview. Who am I without a little person clinging to my legs in front of strangers? When I think about it, as moms, we even introduce ourselves in a child-centric way: "Hi, I'm her mom, Sharon." Child first, me second.

August 28, 2019