"I am in charge of carrying the mental load simply because I am home more often with them."
His world has grown and will continue to grow, but I will always be his place to land.
Nobody needs me right now, but I still feel that my value is tied to my usefulness.
It’s the irrational anger at the baby section in Target. It’s the hundreds of times each day I wonder what it is that’s keeping me from getting pregnant.
I realized that my children don’t need to relive my childhood to appreciate their heritage, just like I didn’t have to relive my father’s. They will appreciate being Hispanic in a different way than me.
However, setting boundaries is a necessary part of parenting.
Here's how one therapist says parents can help.
Grief over the empty nest syndrome. Of not being needed in the same way. Of having to rediscover who I am apart from children.
Some days you might feel lost, but you are still here.
This was a sudden loss of something both beautiful and painful that had become deeply ingrained into my identity as a woman and a mother
I did what they told me for years I couldn't do. I got pregnant and gave birth to our little girl. And yet, it wasn't the redemption story I'd imagined in my mind.
First, it will be hard in ways you never expected.
I want my kid to be happy, but I also want him to experience the range of emotions that life offers. And I want him to be able to talk about those experiences with me.
Even though research tells us that most women are not able to reach their breastfeeding goals due to factors outside of their control, many women who stop breastfeeding feel like a failure and feel guilt and shame about weaning.
It isn't about doing the bare minimum. It’s about honoring my well being enough to not run myself dry. It’s about dedicating as much time to my family and loved ones as I do to my job.
Over time, I started to realize that I wasn’t failing at all—just taking a different route.
Despite all the things that make the role a tough one to maintain, I have truly grown to love the opportunity of staying home with my child.
Hello to early mornings and a flurry of tasks to complete before 8 a.m.
For some parents, as much as we try to implement structure and routines and systems, those things just don’t work as well as we wish they would.
Because I know how fleeting time is, and that these precious moments are ones we will never get back.