losing a child - Motherly

losing a child


We still hang her stocking

I want our living child to know that her sister's spirit is with her for her lifetime. That she may not be physically present, but her existence matters and she is loved beyond measure.

December 16, 2019


My daughter was stillborn and life will never be the same

I still can't comprehend our grief. We were told losing our baby to a "cord accident" was rare. It was like a car crash; no one could predict when or why or how or the impact. It just...happened. But it still doesn't make it fair. It doesn't lessen the shock. It doesn't bring our daughter back.

August 12, 2019


Everyone’s miscarriage story is different—here’s mine

Even though my experience led to my rainbow baby, I can still always connect to the heartbreak that I felt those several months.

March 26, 2019


I experienced pregnancy loss—but for a moment, I was a mother

I questioned how to remember our baby, how to know my relationship with him, my son.

March 11, 2019


Dear mama: There is life after loss

I share the heartbreaking moments of parenting children in both heaven and earth.

February 15, 2019


Miscarriage is lonely, but you are not alone

It is physically horrible, emotionally draining, mentally unbearable, and turns your world upside down. But other mamas in my life (including my own mother) who opened up to me and told me about their experiences demonstrated a breathtaking sense of bravery and resilience.

December 6, 2018


To the woman who called me cruel as I held my dying child

Through those tears you can see so much love; two parents proud of the little baby that touched their lives in a profound way.

July 26, 2018