international women's day - Motherly

international women’s day

Work & Motherhood

Being a working mom is my identity. But can we drop the label?

Being a working mom is my superpower. But the term “working mom” is outdated, ineffective at capturing who we—moms—all are, and is dismissive of all parents.

Updated October 13, 2023

Work & Motherhood

To the working mom who’s also a stay-at-home mom: I see you

At the end of the day, we don’t want our children to say that mama did it all. We want them to know that mama did what she could, and that was more than enough.

March 9, 2022

Motherly Stories

To the women who made me who I am

You taught me that mothering—or womanhood—does not always have to be synonymous with strength. That there is room for weakness and error. That I have somewhere to rest my weary head until I have the wit to rise again. Thank you for being a resting and a rising place all within the same breath.

Updated February 14, 2023


On International Women’s Day, we celebrate 10 everyday women who do extraordinary things

#TeamMotherly shared stories about their mothers, sisters and friends and we are in awe of them too. 👏

March 8, 2019