Home / identity
Toss in a global pandemic, first-time motherhood and you have a cocktail for a lost identity.
Being a great parent means we find ways to honor our other parts.
I am wholly myself and wholly a mother but I am neither just a mom nor just myself any longer.
Becoming a SAHD has completely changed who I am.
5. Make some mom friends.
The truth is, your definition of "myself" will change during this time.
All of the elements of "self" came into question: my body had changed. Relationships were changing. I questioned my place in society, my work, contributions, decisions and balance.
It makes a huge difference.
Instead all of that—I have these three little gifts that I wouldn’t trade for all the money, flat stomachs and lazy weekends in the world.
I have to be willing to give up who I am to become who I want to be.
Motherhood makes us stronger, therefore that comeback will be full of strength, passion and beauty.
Why are some of us so afraid to be stay-at-home moms?
New motherhood changes you in ways you’ve never even imagined.