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4 things to avoid when core training during pregnancy, and 1 great core exercise.
Forget the yoga mat, the play mat will do just fine!
How to spot postpartum prolapse and what to do about it.
Why to indulge (or steer clear) of this wellness trend during pregnancy.
A hilarious take on a sleepless "night life" during pregnancy.
A balance in strength and flexibility in the pelvis will keep the body stable during pregnancy.
Here's why.
Stretch and strengthen with this 5-minute pregnancy pose.
How fit is too fit during pregnancy? A women's health expert weighs in.
From back pain to breeched baby, here’s 5 reasons to see a chiropractor while pregnant.
What it is—and what you can do about it.
Become a more fearless, happier woman during pregnancy and beyond.
A little therapy can make a big difference for your baby.
Aerialist Jen James guides us through some easy dance moves for moms and moms-to-be.
On finding strength, acceptance and perseverance in pregnancy and motherhood.
Or can you just keep taking your prenatal? Here's what to know.
Are the days of swallowing horse pills as your prenatal vitamins finally gone?!
An OB/GYN answers our pressing questions about this terrifying new pregnancy risk.
A nutritionist weighs in on the latest tuna during pregnancy study.
What’s safe and what’s not when it comes to exercising during pregnancy.