Health - Page 82 of 91 - Motherly



You’re still in there, mama

Long conversations, nights out with friends, date nights with partners, trips, seeing a new band, and you realize that who you were is still who you are. 

November 29, 2017


Why some moms feel ‘touched out’—and how to fix it

I couldn’t take a single second more of anyone being in physical contact with me. I was touched out.

Updated February 8, 2022

Health & Wellness

It’s science: practicing gratitude makes us happier

People who list their blessings are happier than those who take an inventory of life’s hassles.

November 21, 2017

Health & Wellness

It’s Science: 2 years of music lessons can boost your child’s brain power

It changes both the white matter (which carries signals) and the grey matter (which processes information) in a child’s brain. 

November 14, 2017

It's Science

It’s science: This is what happens to a dad’s brain when he has a daughter

Your toddler’s gender can influence your daily interactions, according to university researchers.

Updated August 7, 2024

Children's Health

How to Create a Natural Medicine Cabinet for Your Family

Vivrant Beauty's founder shares her favorite natural remedies for baby and mama.

November 9, 2017


When self-care is just one more thing on your to-do list

The world sees self-care, but I see another thing for my to-do list. Another thing I’m failing at. Another thing I feel guilty over.

November 8, 2017

Beauty & Style

How I learned to see my ‘mom body’ with eyes of love—not hate

Body, let me apologize. I’ve been kind of a jerk in the way I’ve described you: Fat. Tired. Lazy. 

November 6, 2017