Health - Page 81 of 91 - Motherly


Toddler Nutrition

11 ways to help your child overcome picky eating & develop healthy habits

8. Remove the words “eat it” or “try some” from your dinner vocabulary

December 15, 2017

Health & Wellness

Motivating your child to take risks actually helps to prevent anxiety

When parents display confidence in their kids, the kids assume that confidence for themselves.

December 14, 2017

Baby Health

Baby crying 101: All the reasons it happens and how you can help

Take a deep breath and try some of the following cry-stoppers.

December 12, 2017

Health & Wellness

It’s science: Being scared of snakes or spiders could be hereditary

Our fear of spiders and snakes is so innate that even babies feel anxious when they see them.

December 11, 2017

Health & Wellness

What to know about the study linking birth control + breast cancer

The more you know, the better able you are to make the right choice for yourself.

December 8, 2017


7 things I’m done comparing myself to other moms about

I’m giving up using other moms as a way of seeing myself. Life is hectic enough without making myself feel bad for not quite being able to button my old jeans yet.

December 8, 2017

It's Science

It’s Science: The mother-daughter bond is even more powerful than we thought

The findings also have helpful implications for preventative mental health treatment.

Updated July 26, 2022

It's Science

It’s Science: Your baby will always be a part of you

Research shows genetic material from babies remains in their mothers’ bodies for years after birth.

December 5, 2017

It's Science

It’s Science: Helping your child fall asleep may mean listening to your heart

Sometimes you just have to think about the night ahead—not years down the road.

December 4, 2017