Health - Page 80 of 91 - Motherly


Fourth Trimester

We need to talk about postpartum rage—and why it happens

The kind that sneaks up on you and before you know it, you are exploding.

Updated March 10, 2022


Expert tips to help relieve constipation during pregnancy

For all the bowel movement talk we do, there’s one area we seem to neglect—our own.

January 29, 2018


The top 10 myths about the mental health of new moms

2. “I can’t take any medication until I’m no longer pregnant/nursing.”

January 26, 2018


Every mama needs her ‘thing’—running is mine

As soon as I lace up my shoes, I start to feel a sense of relief.

January 25, 2018

Health & Wellness

How much sleep does your whole family need?

Here’s a simple chart you can follow.

Updated December 21, 2022

It's Science

Breastfeeding cuts a mother’s type 2 diabetes risk in half, study shows

The biggest benefits were seen after 6 months, but any amount of breastfeeding reduced mom’s risk.

Updated August 16, 2023


5 mindfulness lessons adults can learn from kids

Unlike many preconceived notions, mindfulness meditation isn’t actually thinking about nothing.

January 12, 2018


Want to practice more self-care, mama? Try these products

It’s time to *finally* focus on giving yourself a little extra TLC you’ve been craving.

January 4, 2018

Children's Health

Probiotics may be the answer to soothing your baby’s colic

Good news for parents everywhere: The probiotic strain BB-12 has been shown to reduce crying episodes and duration in infants with colic.

Updated August 31, 2022


7 Indoor Prenatal Workouts

Get your blood flowing without leaving your living room.

December 26, 2017


FDA plans to crack down on homeopathic remedies—including popular teething gels + tablets

The FDA is taking their 2016 warning against homeopathic teething gels and tablets a step further. 

December 22, 2017

Mental Health

Try these 3 mindful parenting tips next time you feel upset, mama

As a parent, you may relate to the struggle of containing your anger—I know I have.

December 20, 2017