Health - Page 60 of 91 - Motherly


little girl playing with toilet paper

Why is my potty-trained child regressing? Here’s what to do, mama

How to handle potty training regression, according to a Montessori teacher.

July 9, 2020
mom kissing baby hand

The truth about raising a newborn in quarantine

This quarantine will someday pass, your babyhood with it.

July 8, 2020
mom trying to work while a toddler lays on her

American mothers are drowning and no one is stepping up to help them

Seventy-four percent of mothers say they feel mentally worse since the pandemic began, according to our recent COVID-19 survey.

July 6, 2020

8 fun ways to help high-risk kids feel connected this summer

For children with medical conditions or special needs, this summer is complicated.

July 2, 2020
toddler brushing teeth

Yes, your toddler needs to brush their teeth—here’s how to teach them

Try these toddler-tested toothbrushing tips, straight from a dad and dentist.

July 2, 2020
little girl wearing a mask

Here’s what schools could look like when they reopen

Masks, spaced-out desks, daily deep cleaning—and no additional funding. If it sounds complicated, you're right, it is..

July 2, 2020
baby and mom smile for picture - essay on bipolar and postpartum depression

Kelsi on being bipolar and having postpartum depression during COVID-19

"I have always been a hypochondriac with an obsessive fear of dying. I used to get blood work quarterly just to make sure I was OK. If you know anything about depression, you know obsessing over death is a major symptom. Covid knocked the wind out of me."

June 29, 2020

How your doctor’s office is changing to keep babies safe

Your pediatrician is taking steps to keep you and your baby safe when you come in to the office for newborn and first-year visits. Here's what to expect, and how to prepare.

June 26, 2020

We answered parents’ most important questions about COVID-19

Including how to recognize symptoms, what to do if you're pregnant and where to get financial help.

June 26, 2020
little boy sitting on the beach

What’s safe and what’s not this summer for families? Experts weigh in

Are playdates safe? What about the beach? Here's what experts say.

June 26, 2020
doctor checking out a little girl at the pediatricians office

Here are the health care appointments to keep, reschedule or cancel right now

Should you postpone your well-child visits? What about immunization appointments? 👇

June 25, 2020
little girl wearing mask

As a mother, I’m asking, can you please wear a mask?

My 4-year-old has adapted. It's time for grown-ups to do it, too.

June 25, 2020
woman looking out window

How I’m working through my PPD during quarantine

Am I still a great mother because I am sad? Yes, I am. And so are you.

June 24, 2020
child at the dentist

8 changes family dentists offices are making as states reopen

Here's what to expect at your child's first dental checkup post-shutdown.

June 24, 2020
child sitting in a car seat laughing - transition from car seat to booster

Parents transition kids from car seats too soon, survey finds

Car seat safety can sometimes feel overwhelming, but when we break it down, it gets really simple.

Updated September 13, 2024
baby in moms arms - essay on postpartum depression during Covid

Becky on loss followed by postpartum depression during a pandemic

"I found myself relieved by the stay-at-home orders because it was just easier to be alone."

June 22, 2020