Health - Page 44 of 91 - Motherly


Baby Health

Toxic heavy metals are *still* present in baby food: What you need to know

A new congressional report exposes the inaction of certain baby food companies.

October 1, 2021

Self Care

It’s science: Here’s why a coffee nap can be self-care for you, mama

Both sleep and caffeine work together to maximize alertness.

September 29, 2021

Children's Health

Why the AAP wants kids to get a flu shot before Halloween this year

Kids under 5 are at a higher risk of serious complications from flu.

Updated September 4, 2024


Even a little coffee during pregnancy can impact your baby’s birth weight, says study

Here's what moms need to know about the latest research on caffeine, moms and babies.

September 28, 2021

Women's Health

Experts warn that acetaminophen is NOT considered safe in pregnancy

An international group of experts warn that the risks to the developing fetus may include reproductive and behavioral disorders.

September 24, 2021

It's Science

It’s Science: *Not* having postpartum sex is a sign of a great relationship

The more supportive your partner is while you are pregnant, the less sex you might have postpartum.

Updated January 23, 2024

Health & Wellness

How to have “the talk” about sex with your kids

Talking to your kids about sex can feel awkward, but it's a crucial part of growing up.

September 24, 2021

Marriage & Partnerships

Moms are having less sex. But why?

Our 2021 State of Motherhood data shows the pandemic has had a drastic effect on moms' sex lives.

September 24, 2021

Health & Wellness

Fatigue, hot flashes, insomnia—could it be perimenopause, or is it your thyroid?

35% of women between the ages of 35 and 52 are experiencing perimenopause—and 35% of them also have a thyroid condition. Learning the differences between the two is vital.

Updated November 1, 2021

Child Sleep

Daylight Savings 2024: How to ‘fall back’ with kids without losing sleep

Here's what you need to know to be prepared for daylight saving time.

Updated November 1, 2024

Fourth Trimester

5 myths about postpartum sex every new mom should know

If I have learned anything following the birth of my son, it is that patience, time and honest communication will make difficult things a little easier.

September 24, 2021

Celebrity News

Amy Schumer has uterus and appendix removed due to severe endometriosis

The comedian shared an update straight from her hospital bed post-surgery.

September 20, 2021


Dr. Fauci on the timeline for vaccinations for kids under 12 + why pregnant and breastfeeding women should get vaccinated

"We need to get rid of the false impression that it's OK for kids to get infected. It isn't," Dr. Fauci told us in an interview.

September 16, 2021


Parents are lying to get COVID-19 vaccines for their kids, and the FDA wants it to stop

In a new statement, the FDA warns parents about the risks of vaccinating early.

September 15, 2021