fear - Motherly



This viral Instagram post sharing an ER nurse’s fear is so important to read

"I broke down and cried today. I cried of exhaustion, of defeat. Because after four years of being an ER nurse, I suddenly feel like I know nothing."

March 31, 2020


My anxiety is at its peak when my child is sick

Tonight—right now—the only thing I can do is remind myself that this will pass. The fog will lift eventually, and the fear will slip away.

March 11, 2020

Celebrity News

Kate Middleton says hypnobirth didn’t just get her though labor—it got her through pregnancy

Using visualization and meditation techniques, hypnobirthing can reduce fear and anxiety.

February 15, 2020


How I learned to stop worrying as a parent

At the heart of all my questions was one thing: Fear.

December 3, 2019


When a mass shooting hits too close to home

I'm an immigrant mom and I fear for my family every day

August 5, 2019


I almost let fear hold me back as a woman and a mom

It is hard to live a simple and purposeful life unless we learn to challenge fear.

November 3, 2017


Fear can make you stronger, my darling daughter

If you can harness fear to serve your ethic instead of your pride, it can be an unparalleled force for all that is good in you. It can break you or it can make you fierce.

October 23, 2017


Modeling bravery for your child—8 tips for fearless flying, with kids

#2—Deep breathing.I practiced focusing on the steady rhythm of slow breathing.With each respiration, I became calmer.

June 25, 2016


I can’t stop hate. But I can pour love into my family.

Bubble wrap won’t work to protect my kids. So what do I do instead? I love—and teach them to love.

June 13, 2016