

mother with baby on her chest taking nap - are contact naps safe

Are contact naps safe? A pediatric sleep consultant weighs in

Ready to maximize those sweet snuggles? Here's how to make sure you're doing contact naps safely.

Updated Aug. 27, 2024
baby sleeping in SNOO - SNOO FDA approval

SNOO gets FDA approval for keeping sleeping babies on their backs

Insurance companies could cover the cost of SNOO in the future.

Updated Apr. 05, 2023
newborn baby held by mother while bedsharing - cosleeping and bedsharing

What’s the difference between co-sleeping and bed-sharing? 

The terms are often used interchangeably, but are actually very different.

Updated Dec. 23, 2022
mom laying down with her newborn - how to stop contact naps

Ready to stop contact naps? A sleep specialist shares the steps

If your baby will only fall asleep in your arms, you're not alone! Here's how to make nap time work better for you.

Updated Jun. 13, 2023
kristen bell and dax shepard on vacation

Kristen Bell says her daughters finally sleep in their own beds—and we are cheering for her 👏

"You can congratulate me—we did it, they now sleep in their room on beds right next to each other and they cuddle with each other instead of us."

Updated Jul. 27, 2022
baby sleeping in crib mom offering pacifier

AAP releases new 2022 safe sleep guidelines: Here’s what parents and caregivers need to know

The new recommendations share evidence on how pacifiers can help prevent SIDS—but co-sleeping and weighted blankets increase risk.

Updated Nov. 09, 2022
mom sleeping in bed alone

My motherhood boundary: I don’t share my bed with my kids

Some might call this selfish; I call it setting healthy boundaries for myself.

Updated May. 31, 2022
when should babies sleep in their own room: baby girl sleeping in crib

How to tell when your baby should sleep in their own room, according to a sleep expert

Several factors should be considered in this decision, mama.

Updated Nov. 29, 2022
baby sleeping on its back

Sharing a bed with your baby doesn’t boost ‘attachment,’ study says

You might be worried that if you don't share a bed with your baby, you won't bond. This study says you don't have to worry about that, mama.

Updated Apr. 04, 2023
mom cuddling two kids in bed

We need to stop shaming moms for co-sleeping—and research shows why

At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to decide what’s best for our own children—and ourselves.

Updated Feb. 23, 2023
mother breastfeeding baby in bed

Does bed-sharing increase the risk of SIDS? If you breastfeed, new study says no

A new report from the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine states that the information we currently have on safe sleep may be more nuanced than we realize.

Updated Sep. 30, 2022
baby sleeping in a docatot

‘Consumer Reports’ finds popular co-sleeping products are unsafe for babies

The popular DockATot, the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper and the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper were three products identified in their investigation.

Updated Apr. 12, 2022

I needed to fall asleep next to you tonight, my baby

Thank you for asking me to.

Updated Oct. 14, 2021

True life: I never thought I’d co-sleep, but it’s what works for my family

Co-sleeping has been the answer for my family. It’s okay if it’s not for yours.

Updated Oct. 14, 2021