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Ready to maximize those sweet snuggles? Here's how to make sure you're doing contact naps safely.
Insurance companies could cover the cost of SNOO in the future.
The terms are often used interchangeably, but are actually very different.
If your baby will only fall asleep in your arms, you're not alone! Here's how to make nap time work better for you.
"She’s slept with me every day since she was born."
"You can congratulate me—we did it, they now sleep in their room on beds right next to each other and they cuddle with each other instead of us."
The new recommendations share evidence on how pacifiers can help prevent SIDS—but co-sleeping and weighted blankets increase risk.
Some might call this selfish; I call it setting healthy boundaries for myself.
And I’m here for it.
Several factors should be considered in this decision, mama.
You might be worried that if you don't share a bed with your baby, you won't bond. This study says you don't have to worry about that, mama.
Same girl, same.
But it's actually none of our business.
At the end of the day, we’re all just trying to decide what’s best for our own children—and ourselves.
A new report from the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine states that the information we currently have on safe sleep may be more nuanced than we realize.
The popular DockATot, the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper and the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper were three products identified in their investigation.
Thank you for asking me to.
Co-sleeping has been the answer for my family. It’s okay if it’s not for yours.
Here's what we found out.