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Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus response might eliminate COVID-19 in New Zealand.
A baby shower might not seem worthy enough of a loss to grieve over, but for me it is.
This could be a turning point for our children, the earth and their future—but only if we learn from this moment.
We cry because it's all too much. It's overwhelming. It's fast and furious. It's all so brand new. But, then, after we cry, we dry our eyes. We keep going.
How has this changed your life?
Oh, and do you take whipped cream on your latte? Because I promise—the next one is on me.
Because the new office dress code is: comfy.
I know I need to pause and sit in my grief before I forge ahead.
Thank you for being such a champ during this challenging time.
The pandemic has been difficult for everyone, but perhaps especially so for ASD kids.
Worried about losing ground with a speech delay? Trust yourself, follow your child's lead, and keep a record.
It's surprising and a big relief, TBH.
We are her and she is us.
"When I was alone and terrified, these nurses became my family, seemingly taking care of me as they would their own children. From every 'Sweetheart, what can I do for you?' to every 'You're gonna get through this,' I felt their commitment and caring spirits."
TBH, it's exactly what we need to hear right now.
You're adapting to this world turned upside down in a way that's really inspiring.
Because our bodies could probably use a little extra love right now.
It's coronation day! Wait... no... it's Economic Impact Payments day!
Trust me, it works.
My obsessive thoughts and internal battles are ones most people have never understood. Until now.