Plus, what medications are safe to take while breastfeeding.
Let's take a moment to appreciate how extraordinary women's bodies are.
You asked and our midwife answered!
With a little patience, some preparation and a firm resolution, you can increase your odds of success.
2. The first time someone gives you advice— and you ignore it.
Nausea in pregnancy is common, however, HG is an entirely different beast.
Our guide to navigating the cold season with a baby on board.
So what does this mean for you?
1. Be gentle with yourself
While the causes of infertility vary, one thing is constant: It is really awful to go through.
Your body. Your birth. Your baby. Your life.
It happens more than you think.
Turns out: We’ve been rushing women through labor.
It’s about more than just the numbers.
Watch for headaches, changes in your vision and lightheadedness.
Having a retroverted uterus usually does not affect your ability to get pregnant.
It’s normal, and it will pass
It’s meant to create an environment and energy that is as calm and pleasant as possible.
If you’re feeling a bit confused by the difference between Braxton Hicks and labor contractions, know that you’re not alone, and check out her video: