becomingmama - Motherly



Yes, you might shake after giving birth—and it’s totally normal

I wish someone had warned me about postpartum shaking.

January 27, 2024


A midwife’s guide to having your best birth

From prepping your partner to not listening to scary birth stories, here's what you need to know.

October 4, 2021


What is chestfeeding? (And why it’s so important)

Plus, how we can better support the people who choose to do it.

August 24, 2021


Contractions: Why we have them + what they feel like

The primary, universal sensation caused by contractions is pressure—how women process that pressure is what varies.

June 23, 2021


Should I get prenatal genetic screening? The most common questions, answered.

Here are some of the common questions people have about genetic screening in pregnancy, to help you understand what genetic screening is, the risks, accuracy and types of tests to choose from.

June 22, 2021


12 reasons why your newborn might be crying, and how to soothe them

It can be tricky to decipher exactly what your baby wants in the beginning. As you grow with your baby, you'll start to recognize what certain cries mean.

June 14, 2021


Urinary incontinence after birth? Here’s what you need to know, mama

At least one in three new moms experiences postpartum urinary incontinence.

April 19, 2021


10 foods to avoid during pregnancy (and why)

While you start increasing the amount of nourishing foods in your diet, you may also want to consider cutting some foods out.

March 26, 2021


Why this midwife never says ‘natural birth’

I refuse to tell someone who has just given birth that their experience was anything less than a breathtaking feat of nature.

March 3, 2021


The strange science behind phantom baby kicks

They are more common than you might think.

February 17, 2021