The best Montessori-inspired furniture to foster your toddler’s independence

Sprout Kids
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There is no shortage of information about the furniture you will need when bringing home a new baby —cribs, bassinets, changing tables, the list is endless! But as that baby grows into a toddler, they also outgrow the baby gear, and next thing you know you have a walking, talking member of your household who wants to climb every chair, see on top of every counter, and do it all with an independent flair! As a parent, this stage can feel frustrating and scary, but taking a Montessori approach and outfitting your home with Montessori furniture can help.
What is Montessori furniture?
The Montessori approach believes that by thoughtfully preparing your home, you can provide your curious little one with independence and self-motivation. This is where child-sized, well-crafted (and visually pleasing!) furniture comes into play. A few toddler furniture key pieces can support you to help your toddler help themselves, and may even take a few chores off your never-ending list!
These are key pieces of Montessori furniture for toddlers:
1. Learning tower
A learning tower, or kitchen helper, is becoming a common sight in households with young independent toddlers. It is not a small purchase, but one that you will find countless uses for throughout your day. The Montessori approach believes children learn best through real-life experiences, and what is a better way to provide this than allowing children to safely and comfortably get right up to the action? Having a safe platform at counter height allows for help with cooking and baking, independent hand-washing, and an opportunity to observe other members of the household. With close supervision many children can begin using a learning tower at 18 months, and may continue to use it through early elementary school years.
Our Favorite Learning Towers
2. Montessori floor bed
This is such a quintessential Montessori-at-home item that you will often find it marketed under ‘Montessori Floor Bed‘. Maria Montessori did not believe that children (yes, even young infants) should be sleeping in cribs, but instead should be placed on a small mattress on the floor. This allows the child independence and freedom of movement from a young age, two important Montessori principles. To get the benefits of a floor bed, it does not have to be used in place of a crib; it can also be a great option when transitioning out of a crib and into a toddler bed. Like any space where your child will be left unsupervised, it is important to ensure their sleep environment is safe for some middle-of-the night or early-morning exploring. Editor’s note: As a reminder, the AAP recommends that all babies sleep “on a firm sleep surface (eg, mattress in a safety-approved crib)” so be sure to talk to your pediatrician about the right sleeping situation for your child.
Our favorite Montessori floor beds
3. Kid-sized table and chairs
When you’re in a Montessori classroom you will find that the furniture can be arranged to meet the needs of the group that particular day, and often can be moved by the children themselves. Allowing children autonomy in how their furniture fits in their space can lead to longer and more meaningful independent play.
Our favorite kids' tables and chairs
4. Play couches
Sparked by the launch of the ubiquitous Nugget Play Couch, play couches have gained quite a few fans over the past few years. While they’re not necessarily known as a Montessori staple in classrooms and homes just yet, the design and function makes them a welcome addition to both environments. The simple design of separate foam pieces can be configured in dozens of ways for indoor imaginative play, and doubles as additional child-sized seating.
Our favorite play couches
5. A low bookshelf
The size of the shelf limits the amount of books that can be displayed at a time, which will help your toddler to pick out a book on their own—it can be overwhelming at this age if there are too many options. Having the cover of the book showing, versus the spine, also makes this a more inviting activity for your child. Just like the toys and game throughout the house, rotating the books displayed on the bookshelf regularly will keep your child interested and attracted to this space.
Our favorite low bookshelves
6. A toddler-friendly wardrobe
Allowing your toddler to pick out their own clothes for the day and dress themselves provides an opportunity to take care of their own needs, practice coordination and use concentration. Although it may take longer and may not be possible every single day, providing them this opportunity is invaluable for their development and sense of self worth. Having a wardrobe that has an open-look and is child-sized allows the adult to preselect three to four seasonally appropriate outfits that the toddler then selects from.
Our favorite clothing racks
7. Sensory table
Although a sensory table is not something most would consider an essential piece of furniture, or even one that you’d expect to see in many homes, it has been said that they can be one of the best purchases you can make for a busy toddler. The internet is full of sensory bin ideas that can be used indoors and out to boost fine motor skills and aid cognitive development.
Our favorite sensory tables
A version of this story was published February 8, 2021. It has been updated.