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If Amazon is a large, impersonal department store filled with endless inventory and unlimited choices, Hullabaloo Book Company is a sweet, curated boutique where you know you’ll find something that’s just a little bit more special and a little more meaningful.

It’s a new children’s book gifting site you need to know about, mama.

The only thing I never feel guilty buying too much of for my 3-year-old son is books, and books are also one of my favorite things to gift. As he gets older I find myself turning to books not just to entertain him, but also to open up his mind, explore new feelings and understand that we have shared experiences as people.

My favorite part of this site is the way they categorize their books by “Amazing Attributes.” Parents (or aunts or grandparents or friends) can shop for books curated by these qualities. For example, “Kind Hearts” is a collection of books that “teach the importance of understanding and caring for family, other children, and our communities” and “Big Feels” is a collection of books that “focus on helping kiddos learn emotional intelligence.” If you’re shopping on price alone, they also offer a tiered set of gift collections starting at $29.

It’s such an easy and brilliant way to find a special birthday or baby shower gift.

hullabaloo book company is here 0 Motherly

1. Hullabaloo Book Company


Hullabaloo treats books as the ultimate experience gift. Each book you buy comes packaged up in a beautifully designed canvas bag with a personalized letterpress bookplate. It honestly makes my bookworm heart soar seeing how thoughtful the experience is for both the gift giver and receiver.