If you’ve never worked from home for an extended period of time, it can definitely feel overwhelming—especially if you’re without childcare. How do I actually power through my to-do list? Why do I keep leaving my coffee in other rooms? How does anyone get anything done? Should I toss in that load of laundry?

Motherly has always been a fully remote company so I’ve had a couple years to really nail down that WFH life. I’ve joined conference meetings across the world, edited stories in the car and rarely go anywhere without my laptop in tow. The good news is: You can totally do this.

Of course, setting up your work strategy is a top priority—time blocking, scheduling working ‘shifts’ with your partner, using apps like Slack and Zoom to communicate with your team. But, I’ve found that having a toolbox of products makes everything just a little easier.

Here are the items I always have with me in my ‘office.’

Welly Traveler

Welly traveler

I’ll fill you in on a little WFH secret: Your coffee will *always* end up cold. You’ll be pulled into a meeting, forget it in the kitchen or get interrupted by a kiddo. This tumbler has double-wall insulation that keeps whatever is inside hot or cold for hours on end. And the flip top opening on the lid ensures you won’t be spilling this all over your laptop. Coffee not your thing? This design also features a removable infuser that’s perfect for brewing tea or flavoring water.

Before I even step foot into the “office” I make coffee and do my morning routine to feel a little more put together before starting work.

Noise-cancelling headphones

airpod pro

I like to listen to music or podcasts to help me focus during the workday—these headphones are definitely my most-used item. They’re wireless so you can pace around easily while taking a call without having to be connected to your phone or computer and cancel out noise so anything outside of your office space won’t bother you.

If you prefer full headphones, this one from Bose is a favorite, too.

External keyboard

external keyboard

Chances are, your office didn’t send you home with your full work station set up. If you just have a laptop, make your WFH area a little more comfortable (and ergonomic!) with an external keyboard.

Set up your computer at eye level—I use books or you can grab an adjustable stand —and plug in the USB to get this keyboard in action in no time. Your back will thank you.


Wireless mouse

wireless mouse

I write and edit all day long so it’s not uncommon for my hand to cramp up a bit when i’m trying to use my laptop’s tiny trackpad—until I finally purchased this mouse. It helps ease any hand or wrist pain when I’m logging long hours on the computer. Don’t trust me? Check out one of the nearly 40-thousand positive reviews. Bonus points for coming in a bunch of fun colors.


To-do list

to do list

If you’re a pen and paper type of person, an organized to-do list can help keep you on track when you’re working in a different environment. I love listing out my three most important tasks I need to get done the next day at the end of each work day so I know where to begin when I sit down. And, in this time of the unknown, starting the day with a little gratitude can’t hurt.

If you prefer digital, use the Notes app on your computer to digitally check off your tasks as you complete them.


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