Having kids can bring big changes to marriages and partnerships. Motherly’s got you covered with support and advice from real mamas.
“There’s no Ms. Rachel without Mr. Aron.” That’s not hyperbole.
If you asked me how my marriage has changed since having kids, I’d say we have learned how to communicate with each other more effectively.
Last week, a video from Instagram user @quincieandzach lit up our feeds—and…
Parenting after separation or divorce is never easy. The emotional complexities of…
"You're not a nag for wanting partnership."
But right now we have all this. All this beauty. All this wonder. All this joy. Right at our fingertips.
Wondering "How do I tell him I'm pregnant?" We polled Motherly mamas to see how they shared the big news with their significant others.
Now, it's the one thing I always share with new parents.
Remember & repeat: she is feeling things that I won’t feel.
Not that I was counting.
For every soul we create, there is a soul that we felt a connection with first.
Time to get creative.
Though 50% of all infertility cases can be attributed to the male partner, new technologies offer solutions—and hope.
The world needs more dads like this.
I don't know how women do it. The struggle is real—and to be quite honest, awe-inspiring.
‘So what do u do?? Sounds like he does everything’
Like any relationship, different concepts work for different people, and the comments on this reel prove that with their divisiveness.
Good news: this doesn’t have to last forever.
It's time to close the orgasm gap—we need orgasm equality and we need it now!