Grandparents & Extended Families - Motherly

Grandparents & Extended Families

Extended families can be a joy—and a challenge. Motherly’s got you covered with advice and essays from other mamas who’ve been there.

Grandparents & Extended Families

This 10-year-old created a ‘hug curtain’ so she can hug her grandparents

Nurse Lindsay Okray says her daughter wanted a way to hug family without breaking quarantine.

May 13, 2020

Grandparents & Extended Families

Thank you, Mom, for being such a lifesaver after I had the baby

I have learned there are certain things only your mom will do for you.

April 24, 2020

Motherly Stories

Mom, I get it now

And you know what? You are my hero.

April 24, 2020

Grandparents & Extended Families

To the grandparents—we miss you *so* much right now

The connection may be virtual right now, but it's not virtually impossible. Thank you, grandparents, for still supporting our families—even from a distance.

April 2, 2020

Grandparents & Extended Families

Grandparents provide free childcare, but it costs us in other ways

When it comes to lenient grandparents, should we insist that our rules are followed—or is this just the price of 'free' childcare?

Updated August 31, 2023

Grandparents & Extended Families

This photographer’s viral photos capture the magic of grandparents

She didn't have any pictures of her own grandparents, so she started taking the pictures she wished she had.

November 26, 2019


This is the best group gift you can buy your mama this Mother’s Day

Perfect for long-distance families!

Updated May 3, 2019

Grandparents & Extended Families

I wish my mom was here to see me be a mother

I yearned to hear what her pregnancy was like and what labor might be like for me as her own daughter.

February 7, 2019

Grandparents & Extended Families

Grandma + grandpa: Go ahead, spoil my kids this Christmas

When my kids receive a gift from their grandparent, it's the grandparents I watch, not my kids. When the presents produce squeals from the kids' mouths, I can't escape the glint in my parents' eyes. Who am I to stop that?

December 3, 2018

Community & Friendship

To the other ‘moms’ in my child’s life–thank you

Five people who can offer wisdom. Five people who know their dreams and struggles.

November 19, 2018

Grandparents & Extended Families

Being a grandmother is the greatest joy of my life

Seeing this child—and falling in love with him immediately—was an experience like nothing else. I wanted to protect him. To love him. To hug and kiss him. I wanted to be there for every moment, big or small. Every milestone. Always.

November 5, 2018

Grandparents & Extended Families

How I’m learning to mother–without my mom

You are always with me. In those times when I lose my cool under frustration, like yesterday when Everett was whining and simultaneously the dog threw up all over the carpet, I can feel you witnessing it all. I can feel you helping me, calming me or laughing at the chaos and confusion you used to know so well.

October 23, 2018