The Third Trimester - What to Expect - Motherly

Third Trimester

Counting down the weeks! From exercise to sleep, here’s what to expect from the third trimester—and how to deal.

Third Trimester

Eating for two in the third trimester

Nutritional needs for the final months of pregnancy.

Motherly Stories

When you’re 42 weeks pregnant

I’ve been 42 weeks pregnant. 3 times. 

Third Trimester

What partner should know: the third trimester

Now is the time for that final push (pun intended) to the day you will be holding your little baby.

Baby Feeding Guides & Schedules

Getting Ready to Breastfeed Before Baby Arrives

5 tips to prepare for your nursing journey before labor even begins.


Pregnant in summer: Eating for the Heat During Pregnancy

4 tips to help you adjust your pregnancy diet for the summer heat.
