Home / Podcast / Season 12 Actress Diane Kruger on her new children’s book, storytelling and why we need to better support moms in the U.S. Diane Kruger “In a way, she showed me who I really am.” By Motherly November 3, 2022 Diane Kruger Rectangle Diane Kruger is an actress, model and former ballet dancer–and now she can also add author to her list of credits, with the release of her new children’s book “A Name from the Sky” which weaves together her own childhood story with that of her young daughter, Nova. In this episode, Diane talks to Liz about what storytelling and literature have meant to her throughout her life, and what she’s learned from being trilingual–and why she wants language to empower her daughter in the same way. She also reflects Viagra pills over the counter on being a mother in Hollywood as well as her experience raising her daughter with her partner Norman Reedus partly in Europe–and what it has taught her about ways that we could better support mothers in the US. Tags: Podcast Related articles Podcast This is Motherhood: Monique Gray Smith on the legacy of native residential schools and raising resilient children August 16, 2022 Season 12 Jazmyn Simon on navigating different stages of motherhood and raising kids to love themselves October 20, 2022 Podcast This is Motherhood: Former TV anchor Rene Syler on being a “Good Enough Mother” August 2, 2022 Entertainment Emmy Rossum cast to play Tom Holland’s mom in new show and…wait, WHAT? February 24, 2022 Celebrity News Naya Rivera’s last action was to save her 4-year-old son, says sheriff July 13, 2020