Home / Podcast Ai-jen Poo on making the invisible work of mothers and caregivers visible Host Liz Tenety checks in with Ai-jen Poo, the co-founder and Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, a non-profit with the goal to bring quality work, dignity and fairness to the growing number of caregivers in America. Together they discuss Ai-jen's work, her idea of care squads, and what we can all do, as mothers, to begin to correct a system that isn't working well for anyone. By Motherly July 23, 2020 Rectangle The latest The Motherly Podcast The Motherly Podcast Season 18 The Motherly Podcast The Motherly Podcast Season 17 Season 16 Serenity Carr on finding wellness from what we eat Season 16 Ruth Veloria on how working moms can reach beyond ‘just a job’