This article is sponsored by Ergobaby. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Motherly and mamas.

In so many ways, adding a second baby to our family was easier than I expected. Truly sleeping through the night was but a distant memory―what were a few extra wake-ups here and there? My firstborn had recently stopped using diapers, so it was easy to keep up with changes for just one baby again. And I was used to having a house littered with toys.

Of course, I would never say life got easier. Getting out of the house, for example, still seemed to take hours of preparation. Making sure I had snacks, a change of clothes, and whatever else we might need should disaster strike while we were out often meant carrying more than you can imagine.

Those first few weeks as a mom of two can often feel a bit like you’re in survival mode. With my firstborn, I loved my ergobaby carrier for soothing tantrums and finishing up errands around the house with a fussy baby. With my second, my carrier became a crucial part of getting us out of the house while leaving my hands free to manage everything else. I love ergobaby’s new lifetime warranty, which means the brand I trusted to carry my first baby will safely carry my second baby, too.

And when you’re in the throes of motherhood, it’s so important to remember the amazing work you’re doing every day and celebrate yourself for getting it done, mama.

Here are five ‘tiny’ wins you’ should celebrate loud and proud during the first month as a mom of two:

1. Taking a shower.

Let’s be real: The first few weeks of newborn life usually come with some kind of mess. Between spit-up and hormonal night sweats, there’s nothing like a shower to make you feel like a whole new person. Throw in the fact that you managed to time it between naps? (Even if it’s only 5 minutes long!) You deserve major props, mama. Got your hair blow dried too? You just might be Superwoman.

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2. Getting out of the house.

Leaving the house with one baby can be a challenge. Two? It’s like the mama version of a decathlon. Make it easier by keeping your hands free by putting your new baby in an ergobaby carrier (they now come with a lifetime warranty , meaning your new baby will benefit from the comfy, convenient design you loved with your first!) so you can push your older child in a stroller or simply hold their hand as you walk to the park. You’ve got this, mama!

3. Cooking anything other than frozen pizza.

We’d never knock our favorite freezer meal, but we are majorly impressed with any new mom who throws together a more elaborate meal in that first month (yes, two ingredients count!). Pro tip: Prep the ingredients for a few sheet pan meals before baby arrives and keep them in a large zipper bag in the freezer. When it’s time to cook, simply defrost, dump on a baking sheet and cook. Dinner is served!


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4. Tackling that to-do list.

We strongly encourage you to take those first few weeks as easy as you can, but we also get that sometimes you just have to clean up a bit. Check off chores while still getting in snuggle time by wearing your baby in a cozy ergobaby carrier as you wipe counters or throw in a load of laundry. Then relax , please. You’ve more than earned it.

5. Handling baths and bedtime solo.

Managing the bedtime routine on your own always feels a bit like running a gauntlet. Doing it with two kids? They should hand out trophies. But trust us that the first time you get both babies bathed and to bed, you will definitely feel like celebrating. (After a nap. Because #momlife is tiring, folks.)