Home / Parenting / Real Feeding Stories from Real Mamas Exclusively pumping is still breastfeeding, mama—and here are 5 ways to make it easier GOLFX/Shutterstock Over time, I started to realize that I wasn’t failing at all—just taking a different route. By Maddie Koenig Gaskin Updated July 31, 2024 GOLFX/Shutterstock Rectangle From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. I thought that it would come naturally, the way the movies make it seem. I thought that it would be easy. I thought that it was what everyone did. Until my breastfeeding journey didn’t go as planned and I had to start exclusively pumping to make sure my babies were fed. The journey was tough, one that often made me feel defeated and like I was failing at the very basics of motherhood. But over time, I started to realize that pumping is still breastfeeding, and that I wasn’t failing at all—just taking a different route. My sweet baby E was born at 34 weeks. We gave it our best shot, but he was not ready to breastfeed. The drive, the coordination, the latch… they just weren’t there, and I often found myself feeling like I was failing at motherhood. Motherly Digital Classes Ready, set, latch! • $99 Welcome to the best breastfeeding class for new and expectant parents! Rebecca Ellison’s essential research-based, expert-taught, comprehensive class is full of realistic and practical tips given in a non-judgmental approach. SHOP I switched to exclusively pumping, and the time I spent feeding my baby doubled. I would spend 30 minutes manually holding my pump on, then another 30 minutes feeding my son what I pumped. And then I would spend time holding my happy spitter upright and burping for a while, all to have to start the whole process over again an hour later. No one was sleeping, E wasn’t gaining weight and I was a nervous wreck. I gave up. 18 months later, my second child was born. Breastfeeding a full-term infant was going to be a breeze—except it wasn’t. Maybe I just lacked the focus needed for me to really learn how to breastfeed. Maybe I was just too traumatized by our experience with poor weight gain from our first born. I found myself obsessing over trying to figure out exactly how much M was eating and worrying that it wasn’t enough. Related: To my wife who is exclusively pumping: I am in awe of you I truly wanted the “magical” experience that is breastfeeding. I envied friends who were still breastfeeding their 1- to 2-year olds. But the more I thought about it, the more I came to terms with pumping. I would know how much milk M was getting. I would still be giving him milk produced by my body. He would still be getting the health benefits of breast milk, such as antibody protection from illnesses, and a lower risk of asthma, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), type 1 diabetes and ear infections. Pumping would be my labor of love, just fed to M through a bottle instead of directly from the breast. I sought out things to make pumping (while caring for two under two) easier and more manageable so I had more control—and this time around it worked for us! These 5 things helped make the pumping journey easier for us: 1. Get a good pump (and ensure it’s covered through insurance) Ask around among your friends and family for recommendations on their favorite breast pumps. Your OB-GYN should be able to help you sign up to get a breast pump through insurance, but there are also many different vendors out there (Edgepark, Acceleron, and Aeroflow just to name a few) who can help you easily make these arrangements by filling out an online form and will even help ship you monthly replacement supplies to keep all your pump parts fresh and effective, if covered by your insurance or Health Savings Account. Bonus: You’re eligible for a new pump with every new baby. 2. Find a way to get hands-free That could be choosing a wearable breast pump, a pumping bra to strap those flanges on or collection cups to replace your flanges. Whichever you choose, being able to feed your baby a bottle (or do anything else you might need to do, such as write this article) while you pump is a huge time-saver! 3. Stock up on multiple sets of pump parts If you’re pumping multiple times daily, you can also save time by purchasing several sets of pump parts to keep on hand. This way, you don’t have to go through a full clean after each session but can simply wash everything at the end of the day. Though try to resist the urge to use the fridge hack, where you rinse and store recently used pump parts in the fridge until your next session, forgoing a full cleaning. While refrigeration does slow bacterial growth, it doesn’t stop it completely. The CDC states that there aren’t any studies specifically looking at whether the fridge hack of rinsing or wiping off parts and storing between pumping sessions is safe enough to stop bacterial growth. The fridge hack should especially be avoided if you have an immunocompromised baby or an infant under 2 months old. Related: Is the fridge hack safe? 4. Have the ability to pump on-the-go It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, but a small portable pump (whether battery-powered or a manual breast pump) for on–the-go can make your life easier. You’ll also want a good cooler bag to keep any milk you’ve pumped on the go cold until you can get it to the fridge! Related: The best bottles for breastfed babies 6. Find a good water bottle Fill it up, drink it up, fill it up—all day long! Give your body adequate hydration. Extra fluids won’t increase your supply, but staying hydrated can help ensure your body is ready to go when it’s time to pump. Make sure you have a bottle of water on hand at all times so you can drink anytime you are thirsty and prevent dehydration. Related: A postpartum plan is just as important as a birth plan. Here’s how to make one. I just want to remind my fellow pumpers out there that pumping is still breastfeeding. I am recognizing the time, patience and dedication that it takes. I am reminding you that it’s not easy, but you are doing it and that deserves to be celebrated. And if you tried and it didn’t work out, I’m here for you as well—because I’ve been there too, mama. A version of this post was published August 18, 2022. It has been updated. The latest Holidays 10 things to let go of these holidays Life My new year’s resolution? To unleash the power of being gentle in a hard world Life The best things we bought in 2024 that make life just a little easier and more joyful Beauty & Style Shopping Guides The most practical Target collab ever? Meet the limited-edition Bullseye Bogg Bag