There are days when it all gets to be a little too much.

When you might have one child holding onto your legs for dear life, another asking rapid fire questions and through it all you’re trying to plan dinner.

You might have a picky eater who doesn’t want to eat the one thing they usually go for.

Related: To the mom who believes in peaceful parenting—but struggles to actually do it

Maybe your mind is overwhelmed even as your heart lights up when you look into that little face.

And when you lose your cool, because we all lose our cool sometimes, the guilt can feel all too heavy.

But you’re human too, mama. And, you’ll make mistakes along the way.

Related: Flooded with shame after mom rage? A therapist shares what can help

Each one is an opportunity to show your kids how to reset, resolve and repair.

Each one is a moment they’ll understand that grown-ups are learning too.

Then, they’ll realize that it’s not about the missteps we make but, rather, it’s about how we react to them. How we learn from them.

You can’t be perfect. But, you can forgive yourself and move on to building stronger parent-child connections.

So, to the mamas who are struggling with peaceful parenting, be gentle with yourself.