Summer is here and I’m so excited to bring on the crafts. But if quarantining at home with my kids has taught me anything, it’s that crafts are fun, but they are much better when they don’t require a huge clean up. I’m not complaining, but if I have to scrub paint off the wall one more time, I won’t be happy. If you’re looking for screen-free activities that don’t create a lot of mess, you’ve come to the right place.

Try these 17 mess-free crafts to develop and hone your little one’s creativity skills:

1. Macaroni necklaces

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Kids can turn their favorite food into a work of art.

2. Bead necklaces + keychains

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Crafts are much better when you can wear them.

3. Color by number

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Learn colors and numbers at the same time.

4. Shoe lace projects

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@ okuloncesiogretmenlerinet

Turn old shoe strings into a craft that also teaches fine motor skills.

5. Paper plate bunnies

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Bunnies are much more fun when made of plates.

6. Basket decorating

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Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Decorate your favorite storage basket in beautiful summer colors.

7. Tissue paper animals

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@ cognitivelearningtools

Kids will have tons of fun making animals with tissue paper.

8. Bubbly wrap noise making

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@ junior_j_at_play

Pop goes the bubble wrap!

9. Rainbow cards

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Make cards for family and friends you haven’t seen in ages.

10. Sponge ring pulls

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@ play.with.arda

Cut slits into a sponge to hide small objects.

11. Paper chains

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@ magiclittlemama

Here’s a challenge: See who can make the longest paper chain.

12. Spoon art

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@ lifewith3_smallwoods

Don’t just stop with one spoon, create an entire spoon family.

13. Stick wind chimes

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Wind chimes are fun for every age to create and you can actually use them outside.

14. Paper bird wings

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@ ureadyteddy

Playing dress up has never been cooler.

15. Yarn butterflies

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Older kids will enjoy this slightly advanced craft that takes a little more focus.

16. Spirit frames

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Create summer frames to display new words or sentences learned (or just a positive message!).

17. Felt animal masks

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Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

Bring out their inner animal with these simple masks.