Is the fridge hack safe? Here’s what you should know

Pavel Ilyukhin/Shutterstock
The pumping fridge hack is touted as a time-saver for mamas, but CDC guidelines raise safety concerns.
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Any mama who’s ever pumped knows how time-consuming it can be—especially if you do it multiple times a day or exclusively pump. Even with all the amazing pumping gear available that does make things easier, the constant washing, rinsing, sterilizing and drying feels never-ending—and honestly, there are already so many other things on the to-do list.
So it’s no surprise that when you’re in the thick of it, any tips to save some time become appealing. Enter the fridge hack, not a new invention but an old trick that pops up regularly in mom groups and social media as a time-saving strategy for pumping mothers. But is this method really safe for your baby? Here’s what to know.
What is the pumping fridge hack?
The fridge hack is a pumping storage method where instead of washing and sterilizing all the pumping parts after each session, you give them a quick rinse and put them straight back into the fridge in a zip-top bag or other airtight container.
The idea is that the cold temperature prevents bacterial growth, so you can reuse the parts the next time you pump, possibly repeating this multiple times a day before you fully wash everything at the end of the day. Mamas who use this technique do so as a time-saving measure—especially on a quick break at work or on the go.
What does the CDC say about safety?
The language on the CDC website is a little fuzzy regarding the fridge hack, as they don’t explicitly say you should never do it—but in general, this practice is discouraged and should only be used as an in-case-of-emergency situation.
The CDC guidance for best practice is to wash pump parts after every session to keep your baby safe from bacteria that could be introduced to pump parts. However, the CDC does state that if you don’t have the time to clean between sessions, you can rinse the parts (or wipe with a clean paper towel if you don’t have access to a sink), place them in a sealed bag, and put them directly in the fridge.
Note: If your baby is immunocompromised or under 2 months old, the CDC does not recommend using this method at all and instead recommends washing parts after each session.
What are the safety concerns?
The CDC recommendations are designed to limit the potential of exposing a baby to bacteria that could grow on the pump parts when not cleaned properly. Although cases when a baby did get seriously ill from improperly washed pump parts weren’t necessarily related to the fridge hack, the CDC errs on the side of caution.
Breast milk naturally contains components that help protect it from becoming contaminated with germs—called its bacteriostatic capacity. This is one reason you can leave fresh milk on the counter for four hours or less in a room-temperature environment. But these anti-bacterial properties wear off over time.
While refrigeration does slow bacterial growth, it doesn’t stop it completely. The CDC states that there aren’t any studies specifically looking at whether the fridge hack of rinsing or wiping off parts and storing between pumping sessions is safe enough to stop bacterial growth.
Are there other ways to save time?
If you’re pumping multiple times daily, you can also save time by purchasing several sets of pump parts to keep on hand. This way, you don’t have to go through a full clean after each session but wash everything at the end of the day.
Specialized pump wipes are also an option when you need something fast or if you don’t have access to a sink and soapy water (although wipes still don’t take the place of a thorough clean).
The fridge hack is one of those things you’ll hear conflicting opinions about. Just like some mamas choose to eat deli meat or sushi while pregnant, we all have different levels of risk tolerance. But based on the CDC guidelines, your best bet is to play it safe and clean your pump parts after each use (and you can always chat with your pediatrician if you want to discuss it further).