There’s nothing more frustrating than losing a sock (or 10) because it just won’t stay on your baby’s feet. Well… Never fear, mamas, because we tested a couple of brands on our little ones, and we found some amazing socks that not only are super stylish, but that also stay put! Added bonus? These brands go up to toddler sizes, and all but one brand even have options for adults!!! Right in time for fall, here are 5 pairs of baby socks that will stay glued to your little’s feet all season long. Kid tested, mother approved!

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  1. Robeez, $10.50 for 3 pairs. Buy here.
  2. Stance, $20 for 3 pairs. Buy here.
  3. ETIQUETTE CLOTHIERS, $26 for 3 pairs. Buy here.
  4. Vans, $13.95 for 3 pairs. Buy here.
  5. Happy Socks, $10 for 2 pairs. Buy here.


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